Tuesday, March 2, 2010

For My Friend On Plan B Blog

Found this on a blog ive been following of some adventurers who have also embarked on a new path in life. If anyone wants to check out their blog its at http://pathlesspedaled.com. They have been traveling for several months.

" The Great Fear is what stops people in their tracks. It is what turns dreams into dust."

So my friend let us fear not and move ahead with our own adventure in life!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, preach it sister, lol!!

    "And the view will never change
    Unless you decide to change it
    Don't feel like it today
    Just show up anyways
    And though life will take you down
    It only matters if you let it
    Get up, go through, press on
    Today's your day, its on

    And though you wanna quit
    Don't think you can get through it
    You've come too far to walk away
    It's not gonna be today
    And no matter how you feel
    It's what you do that matters
    This is your moment to be strong
    Today's your day"
    -Superchick, It's On
