Saturday, April 17, 2010


Ok so heres how it went i got a ride from Sedalia Missouri to Texarkana Texas. Then i got a ride from Texarkana To Livingston and i am now at my destination. Going to stay here for a while and see how it works out if i dont like it ill be moving on. I sorely miss the Katy Trail. I just loved my time alone with nature and god. And meeting nice people and seeing new places everyday. Im almost depressed thinking of waking up to the same place every single day. There are new people for me to meet though. And a who9le lot of churches i can go to. So thats the plus side. The down side is no internet access unless i get on bike and ride to store. (Which is where im at now, doing laundry) Hopefully in the future though i will get a internet card so i can be online more. So this is my short yet sweet update.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it safe and sound! When my crazy busy life slows down I will call and catch up with you. I hope you like your new place, and find a great church.
